Hatha Yoga "Slow Motion"

Wednesdays at Fresh Up Zone Studio

Slow down! Can you make it slower? Step out of the rushing world, step into the relaxing atmosphere in my yoga studio. Learn to make it slower.

Do consciously! With slow transitions from yoga asanas to asanas & with precise instructions you teach your body to move slow and with full awareness on the level of body-mind-spirit. You will experience how to soothe your mind in different yogic asanas.

For your heart and soul! When you are gentle to your heart, you save energy. This is how you will leave this class, with refreshed body and with more ability to your heart’s need.

I suggest this class to you who would step out of the daily, hectic life, to you who are longing for calmness, to you who realise the base of you yoga is lacking, to you if you think you have stopped on the way of improvement. If you are an advanced yogi, you can deepen your your knowledge about yoga & you can make your practice calmer and less stressful. Know how to slow down!

What to expect? Thorough cues, variations for your safety. Breath techniques

Level: beginners – advanced yogis (level 1-4)

Language: EN, HUN (bilingual)

Sign-up is required here below.

For free: the usage of the yoga mats and props are free to all yogis that are sign-up in advance.

Less is more. See you at the classes.

Om Tat Sat,
FreshUp Ági

FreshUp Yoga Academy©


Location: Fresh Up Zone Studio

Nincsenek Események

Have a question? Drop me a line.

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