Hatha Yoga

Wednesdays at Fresh Up Zone Studio, Vienna

Partner Yoga

Look for the upcoming dates

Yin Yoga

Thursdays at Fresh Up Zone Studio

My Classes

Be inspired by nature. Nature is my biggest inspiration and the ancient TAO philosophy. Both you can find in the themes of my classes. My favourite style is vinyasa sequencing and yin yoga. You can also join partner yoga, private classes or contact me regarding office yoga.

Safe, sustainable and happy activity and mindset. Whether a studio or online class, my aim is to support you to experience yoga as a very safe and sustainable activity (mindset too) that your can practice every day to live a healthier life. On my classes your body awareness raises, your flexibility expands and your mind soothes. Let’s start, open your senses and let me guide you on the path of awakening your self-awareness.



Hatha Yoga

Build strength and flexibility in your body and mind through regular asana practice. This class is based on hatha yoga mixed with flow movements, yin practice, mudras and restorative poses. …


Yoga for the Spine

Your spine is not just your skeletal system and defining not just your body posture but also how you handle yourself in specific daily life situations. … More…


Morning Rise Yoga

Do the best to your health. Do yoga in the morning. Traditionally your body is the most open to the benefits of yoga at the time of sunrise. This is the time when the energy coming from nature is the purest so breathe in the most of it. … More



Wednesdays 7:00-8:15

at Vienna Center


Yin Yoga

Be quiet and passive. Slow down with this quiet yin practice that targets the deeper connective tissues with the aim of increasing circulation and improving overall flexibility. Poses are held for 3-5 minutes with very little muscular engagement, supported by props. Yin Yoga is a perfect complement to stronger, more dynamic (yang) styles of yoga …More …


Yoga in the Park

Being awaken and at the present moment for 90 minutes in the nature, you will appreciate it in another way after practice. The flow of your deep breath done in the park gives you a better exchange of air, thus you will more fresh & bright. … More…

Partner Yoga

Get in harmony with your partner by doing yoga poses. This is different than doing anything by youself. This is fun, hardwork and also very nice way to be kind to your loved one. By this practice you will build trust toward your partner, strength by supporting him/her and also treat him/her by a nice relaxing massage. …



In the yoga tradition 108 is a sacred number. On special days such as full moon, 10 millions day, at the beginning or at the end of the year, we practice a special set of yoga poses 108 times. Mainly sun salutation, moon salutation or chanting mantra. Look for the next scheduled 108 practice.



These are mainly 3-4 hours long program on a specific yogic topic. On the list, upcoming workshops on these topics: The Power of Breath, Meditation I., Basics of Yoga, Yoga Nidra, Ayurveda… Details are coming soon.


Yoga Retreats

These are mainly 4-6 day long programs based on yogic lifestyle. We cook ourselves based on ayurveda and yogic diet, wake up with morning yoga routine and discussing a specific yoga topic. Also we go hiking or have a day or two in silence. All are for finding your true Self within. Next ones in September and November.


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